MON-SAT from 8:00 - 17:00

Khatamov Shuhrat Normuhammedovich

Head and Neck Surgical Oncologist

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Khatamov Shuhrat Normuhammedovich

Head and Neck Surgical Oncologist

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Khatamov Shuhrat Normuhammedovich

Head and Neck Surgical Oncologist

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Khatamov Shuhrat Normuhammedovich


From 2021 he works in specialized multiprofile medical clinic “Happy Life” as Otorhinolaryngologist

Work experience:

  • 1998-2000 | RIORIATMda klinik ordinator
  • 2001-2003 | RIORIATMda aspirant
  • 2003-2008 | O’zR IIV qoshidagi Tibbiy xizmat shifokor-onkolog
  • 2008-2017 | RIORIATM “Bosh va bo’yin shish kasallaklari” bo’limida shifokor onkolog.
  • 2017-2021 | RIORIATM Namangan filialida shifokor onkolog
  • 2021dan xozirgi kungacha | “HAPPY LIFE” ko’p tarmoqli ixtisoslashtirilgan tibbiyot markazida bosh-bo’yin shifokor-Onkologi.